
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Black Demons-Poem

Her vision is black
Her nightmares are haunted
Her chosen path is daunted
Her tears fall black

Her eyes shut tight,
Bad figures appear,
She still puts up the fight, with mental and physical life
Her world finally re-appears
Its not worth her fight.
Her tears fall black

Black room in which she lays,
Her body and brain full of scars,
Her world still filled with nothing but doom,
Maybe tonight she could fly to mars,
Her tears fall black
Black comments,
that shook up her life,
Black souls,
That made her want the knife,
Black demons that started the pill popping,
The taunting and threats becoming non-stopping
Her tears fall black

Her black thoughts were thought-provoking,
Starting her own fire, heart poking,
Her spirits telling her she was meant for this path,
Her spirits telling her she could live in the past,
Her tears fall black.

Her last words were meant for them,
Not her mum, nor the rest of them,
Her words for her inner demons,
passed throughout gods own creatures
Everyone thought she was menatally disabled,
Disabled my her demons, which were incredibly abled
Her last words were meant for them

Black night
Black knife
Black demons
That end her life.

This poem isnt about acctual demons, the demons which i refer to are 'gods creatures' which are people like you and i. The demons that ended her life were the bullies.

1 comment:

  1. this poem, really makes you feel the characters pain, also, i like the way you said that the demons to her, were acctually human beings-it makes sense!
