
Monday 17 September 2012

Redie Ware hood-part 1

Part 1

My name is Redie, my other name is Hood. This is my story. My fatal night in the woods.

They found me in the woods. No more than 12 hours old apparently. My Adopted mum called me her Angel baby, sent down from heaven so she said, even if I were. I'm back up there now. 

I was found by some dog walker, I think. When she found me I still had the ambillicel cord attached to me. The doctors reckoned whoever had given birth to me had had me in the woods. Not to far away from my grandmothers house actually. Supprised she didn't hear the lady giving birth to me. I know they scream a lot as me and my mum watched a programme once where a lady who had been in a car crash started to give birth to her child. She had been driving down the motorway when a motorbike over took her which made her swerve, she crashed into another car sending it flying across the road, then her waters broke and the paramedics had to deliver her baby in the back of the ambulance! Not a pretty scene. Although, going back to my grandmother not hearing my real mum giving birth to me must of been like not hearing a police siren more than 4 meters away from you! Godness she was deaf! She always had been really though, ever science grandad passed away. She would always take funny turns. Mum would sometimes send me up to her house five times a day just to check on her. Grandma lived a 20 minute walk down the bottom of the lane, her house was beautiful! A thatched roof cottage nestled in to great big spectacular trees huddled around it. Sometimes I went the short cut through the woods, though mum told me not to! she would always say "those woods are dangerous, something terrible cold happen to you and I wouldn't know! You musn't trail of the path Red!" I know, bizzaire name right? I mean, who calls they're kid Red, well...let me introduce you to my mum! Her hair is urban with spikes for eyelashes, her eyebrows are are hardly existent and her dress sense is horrendous! You could say what you liked about my mother but no one, could make so many people smile, with just one single word, just like my mum! My nan  would always say "gift of the gab that one dear!" I get what she means know. I know that if I had just  listened to the last sentence she said, none of this would of happened. None of it. And that's what kills more than death itself.

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