
Sunday 23 December 2012

comedyy songs

okay so i am a masssivveee fan of the midnnight beast and i love do i say it?? i love like, theyre genre/catergory of music. I love how they're songs have a huggee comedy aspect in them,  yeh i love the midnight beast. I really enjoy writing comical music. I have written 3 comical songs...i hopee they're funny!! i won't just be writing them up onto my blog, i'll also post a video of the songs on youtube so my lovely viewers can watch them...of they want to ;) sorry i havent been posting recently: byee xoxo

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Quotes with meaning

"live today as if tommorow was yesterday" - I like this quote as for me it says to stop living in the past, you only live once so don't waste the days doing nothing.

"live today as if heaven was earth" - I am also quite fond of this saying, my friend had a bracelet with this quote engraved on which I thought was very sweet, I guess everyone has their own opinion on what heaven is.

"I know I'm not perfect. I know I'm not fake" - I think this can be meant by looks and appearance and personality. I like to think of it as saying the person's personality. I like the way it is telling you to be true to yourself, even if that doesn't mean your perfect...because what is perfect? Everyone has their different opinion on what it is. 

Monday 5 November 2012

I am me-poem

I've lived the days. 
I've been blinded by the light. 
I've been chilled from cold.
I've been shown as a mould.

I've lived of the air.
I've walked on the earth. 
I've been carried of by the clouds. 
I've been beaten by the crowds.

I've been scared from a tear.
I've been a whisper in an ear.
I've shared my care for another.
I've been putting on a cover.

I've been used as an act.
I've been ripped apart by a rat.
I've showed my fun.
I've crossed of my feelings as done 

I'm done fitting into a mould,
I'll show my colours, all standing bold.
I'm not going to be beaten by the crowds,
I'll show them I'm not to be looked on down.
I'm  done with putting on a cover,
I'll be treated like all the others,
I'm not scared of showing my feelings,
I'll show everyone if I'm high as the ceilings...

I don't care if your heart is bleeding,
I'll show you my feelings,
If you acknowledge and understand my meanings,
I'm not cold hearted,
Though my verse not yet departed,
I won't be trod on like your dirt,
I am me. I am everything I should be.

About me

Okay so I understand I haven't written or posted much stuff lately...I've been a little busy though, I am going to enter a few writing competitions after my friend suggested it to me, they are mainly short story competitions for all ages and teenagers...that sort of thing ;)
I also understand that I haven't been to honest with my readers on who I's not because I'm dramatic, it's because I feel more comfortable when people are reading my blog and they don't know who I am...guess because I'm embarrassed, or scared that my work isn't very good...:s  either way I prefer going under a different name, but I will be honest with you on things about me, I am a young teenage girl, I loovvee writing stories, poems and songs, I love listening to music, especially my favourite band, who are the midnight beast...I love sport, my favourite is tennis, I have been playing tennis for...about 10 years? Yes, 10 years. I love spending time with my friends...but my favourite time is when I am alone, writing in my room, though I do love going out with my friends <3

Thursday 18 October 2012

amanda todd

if you are reading this-when you have time please go to youtube and type in amanda todd-click on the video in black and white with a girl holding up cards....


Redie Ware Hood-part 3

With a blink Hood sprinted...sprinted for the house. Who's was it? Silly question, Redie knew whose house it was, Hood didn't. Hood was nearly at the house now, her ginat gaping hole in her face overflowing with syliva. Licking away the wet fluid oozing from her mouth Hood pushed past tree's and bushes, violently ripping them down as her anxiety grew bigger and bigger. She was there now. Hood felt as if she had known the house all her life...who's was it? With a terrifying howl Redie smashed threw the front door, only leaving claw scratches where the hinges once were. A blood curdling scream filled the forest as Hood sunk her teeth into the cold, thin flesh that was once pink with life, now just a sight of blood. Hood had done it. As Hood wiped the blood away from her vile mouth, she fell to the floor with sweat dripping of her palms...why was this happening? Hood could no longer clench her hands and as she soon found out she could no longer walk, she closed her eyes and howled to let out the tension building up inside her head and with that her vision went black.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Redie Ware Hood-part 2

The cloud slowly moved over the moon, blocking the light bidding to be shone through. Redie knew would be a matter of seconds. One howl...two howls...three rip...two rips...three last final howl.

 Ware Hood. That was her name. That was her beastly name when she was this form. Her pupils were large, the whites of her eyes had disseased leaving her charcoal pupils, bloodshot red. Her nose was red from the bitter cold air, whilst sweat swam of her forehead drowining her nose in it from the intense heat that was forming inside her, menatlly. Her hands had lost the goosebump gloves they once wore, instead, grew harsh yellow nails sprouting of the top of her fingertips sharpend into an intense claw capable of scratching through stones, able to stab through the hardest materials. As another howl escaped from her wet mouth, salyva oozed down her sharp K9's. Her new and improved teeth supprisingly white, visible from space as the moon reflected of them, riccashaving onto the nearby house's window...the house...there was a small cottage, all the lights of apart from a dimly lit bedside lamp which she could make out with her newly discoverd eyesight...a house...Hood could see a house...

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Redie Ware Hood-opening-IMPROVED

My name is Redie. My other name is Hood. This is my story. My fateul night in the woods.

I never really knew my mum or dad. I was adopted when I was a baby. They found me in the woods. My adopted mum calls me her angel. Sent down from Heaven apparently. Even if I were. I'm back up there now.

It was a evening and I was on my way to my grandma's house. She was ill and my mum had sent me to her house with a basket of cakes, Grandma's house was a twenty minute walk through the woods. I'd walked there lots of times before on my own. I'd never once trailed of the path. But this time I did and I can't turn back time now. Not after what's happened.

It was dark and wet. It had been raining fir days. A storm was brewing. The clouds were like charcoal and the air was bitter, sprinting down you throat, hammering on your lungs oredering you to cough it back up so it can be freed back into the wild again like a wild animal. I'd been walking through the woods for about ten minutes and I was soaked through. My red coat ruined. The trees were rustling, twigs and leaves carpeted the path that was meant to lead me to safety. There were hundreds of trees all shading the tiniest bit of light that was trying to break through. My dark hair was soaked and hanging limply by my waist. My pale hands wore Goosebumps for gloves. My eyes were shining, bigger than the moon.

 It was late and I’d lost my way. It was midnight. It felt like I’d been walking for days. I would never find my way home. I knew I would turn into my other form. My real form. All in a matter of minutes…

Wednesday 3 October 2012

A short rap verse

Ya'll how you doin?
I'm a push you down pram, looking,
Swags high praise bout my style,

Bet, bet'cha you was hot like mine,
Go lick it in the water, gettin diggin that northern style,
Height, high bout your suede brogues,
Must be admitting, that your shoes, look at the bank they broke,

And, yeh, not gonna blame your style,
But looking at me creepers, their higher achy swag steer style,
Yeh...yeh, go check your bank coz the water be cold by where I stole, swanked.

She, she.. She jacked my style,
She took a crack at the bank where they be diggin me northern style...
Me northern style,
My northern style.

This is a rap I've been working on for a while now. I know quite a few of my usual readers won't understand the message I'm trying to get across with this bunch of words, it's not even clear for me, but I wrote it at a low point, trying to boost my spirits...the message this rap holds is basically-money cant buy personality, designer can buy you limited attention, but when people can't afford to buy well known named clothes, they fall back on their personality, this should be the first thing people get judged on, not their clothes or image, their style, being their personality. Please comment on this piece as this is one of the most unstable pieces I've written, by the way, the rap is to be rapped really really fast, (like the 'busts rhymes' part in 'look at me now' but not the same tune.

Saturday 29 September 2012

sticky situation ;D

now. it might be just it me? or are blogs about writing so hard to write!? now...for me this is weird as when I'm on my own with my favourite notepad and pen i cant stop writing paragraphs and paragraphs of stories and poems but lately when I'm writing this blog I've had a massive block?! So as I said in my firts post about me, I'll be writing whatever i feel spefic genre or posts so...just go with it $)

Thursday 27 September 2012

Our souls will shine part 1

We're up now,
Where we belong,
Rising from the same boat,
Singing from the same song,
We're up now, & I'm bulletproof,
Nothing can stop me nothing can make me loose,
We had a hard life, back then,
When people told us we could never be more than just friends,
But we're up now, together again, loving each other, it's all a mend!

Yeh, seems like we never would,
Take so slow but I knew we should,
There was some bad quotes, how to live my life
But because I had you I knew I would never run for the knife!
It was a beautiful moon...that night,
Those horrendous 5 hours that we had to fight,
And yes I loved you, more than each minute went by,
I soon knew that we were out of time,
And yes I kept with the positive attitude,
Because I knew I would no longer be without you,
And though I'm in pain, well,
Me and you...we won the game,

Let'me hear you say,
Love me tenderly, we'll jump in the sea,
Loves like a rocket and that shuttle just hit me,
Fly from the boat in that arabesque pose,
Looks like we're the ones that the ship chose,
Heaven is a gateway, up from our hell,
Looks like we'll never get to hear those church bells,
The boat never docked but we really don't mind,
Because our hands they are locked and our souls will shine,
Our souls will shine...yeh our souls will shine

This is just the first two verses and the chorus to my song which I have written, the song is about the titanic and mainly jack and rose's last final hours but it could be for anyone that was on board the ship. I have written another few verses and choruses to post onto my blog, depending on the response I have. I can't exactly describe the tune to you so you can make up your own tune as you read it or maybe read it as a poem...I sing the first two verses as a half rap-which is singing crossed with rapping. Then I sing the chorus in just a really easy to keep up with tune.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

fakebambi.writes: Emmet Till

fakebambi.writes: Emmet Till            this is my blog link to the poem        this is a site, dedicated to emmet

Emmet Till

Emmet was a child,
No older that fourteen,
But his life snatched away from him,
In such a dreadful scene
The poor boy, tortured to death,
This is his story,
The racist men that took away his breath,

Till was visiting his uncle in the south,
Till was from the north,
This was in 1955; this would be the last time his mum saw him alive,

His uncle lived in Mississippi,
Not on the mountain where it gets nippy,
But the Chicago boy was just a child,
Yet his killers were so brutally wild,

He was playing with the southern local kids that lived by his uncle
They had never heard of a black boy,
Who claimed he had held a white girls hand
So the southern boys told emmet what they had planned,

Till was to go to the corner shop,
Talk to the lady, who's husband owned the plot
There he waved ‘bye baby’ to the lady this is what caused her husband to go horribly crazy,
Till being from the north, had no idea what the south was like,
During segregation, he had no clue what he had done, wasn’t right.

Then in the dead of night,
Knock knock went his uncle’s door,
It was the men from the corner shop,
They said they wanted Till to stop,
They would tell Till what he did wrong,
So they dragged him out the door,
no matter how Till tried; the men were far too strong

From there they took him to the river,
Torched him, the following will make you shiver with disgust
Its not human, you can trust;


They made Emmett carry a 75-pound cotton-gin fan to the bank of the Tallahatchie River and ordered him to take off his clothes. The two men then beat him nearly to death, gouged out his eye, shot him in the head, and then threw his body, tied to the cotton-gin fan with barbed wire, into the river.


the court hearing was slowly disappearing,
His mum had lost the case,
After, in everyone’s mouths, it left a sour taste,
The monsters had got away,
As they shouted hooray,
Emmet’s mum collapsed, wanting to die,
Her child, sent of so undignified,
The lovely boy that had done no wrong,
Was tortured, now this? IS. WRONG.

Emmet was a child,
No older that fourteen,
But his life snatched away from him,
In such a dreadful scene
The poor boy, tortured to death,
This is his story,
The racist men that took away his breath.


Friday 21 September 2012


Hi, can everyone that reads my blog share it and maybe leave a comment? I would really like some feedback, i'll do the same for you. I just love writing and would love to know what everyone else thinks of my poetry, story chapters and other posts.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Under the Willow Tree-poem

Down in the meadow,
Where the children play,
Underneath the willow tree lays our grave,

Me and you were the best of friends,
We wished that our lives would never end,
But that summer, with those men,
That was when you said Amen,

We would play, dusk till dawn,
We would never leave eachother, so we had sworn,
We held each other through the storms,
We played together, on the grassy lawn

Where we met, down the lake,
That was where we would wake,
Clasping each other by the hand,
We were running away, so we planned,

We'd be free spirits, in the woods,
Do what we liked, when we could,
Though our love was far to strong,
We stayed friends, all life long,

Down in the meadow,
Where the children play,
Underneath the willow tree lays our grave,

We kept it simple, we kept it clear,
No leaving, till we finished our last school year,
Through out the year you were just a 'mate'
Proves we left it far to late,

It was during a dark night storm,
Thats when our love grew warm,
When the bad men came to the glen,
Tracking us down, it came then,

Out came the knives,
Shorlty after our lives,
What had we done so wrong?
Where was our disaster?Did we leave it too long?

The answer was no, we followed our plan,
We hadnt planned for their big scary vans,
We just grabbed life by the horns,
I loved you forever, we both had sworn

Down in the meadow,
Where the children play,
Underneath the willow tree lays our grave,

Spanish Sahara verse

"...So I walked into the haze
And a million dirty ways
Now I see you lying there
Like a lie low losing air, air
Black rocks and shoreline sand

Still that summer I cannot bare
And I wipe the sand of my arms
The Spanish Sahara, the place that you'd wanna
Leave the horror here..."

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Black Demons-Poem

Her vision is black
Her nightmares are haunted
Her chosen path is daunted
Her tears fall black

Her eyes shut tight,
Bad figures appear,
She still puts up the fight, with mental and physical life
Her world finally re-appears
Its not worth her fight.
Her tears fall black

Black room in which she lays,
Her body and brain full of scars,
Her world still filled with nothing but doom,
Maybe tonight she could fly to mars,
Her tears fall black
Black comments,
that shook up her life,
Black souls,
That made her want the knife,
Black demons that started the pill popping,
The taunting and threats becoming non-stopping
Her tears fall black

Her black thoughts were thought-provoking,
Starting her own fire, heart poking,
Her spirits telling her she was meant for this path,
Her spirits telling her she could live in the past,
Her tears fall black.

Her last words were meant for them,
Not her mum, nor the rest of them,
Her words for her inner demons,
passed throughout gods own creatures
Everyone thought she was menatally disabled,
Disabled my her demons, which were incredibly abled
Her last words were meant for them

Black night
Black knife
Black demons
That end her life.

This poem isnt about acctual demons, the demons which i refer to are 'gods creatures' which are people like you and i. The demons that ended her life were the bullies.

meryl streep quote

"Real Life is actually a lot more like high school. The common denominator prevails. Excellence is not always recognized or rewarded. What we watch on our screens, whom we elect, are determined to a large extent by public polls. Looks count. A lot. And unlike the best of the college experience, when ideas and solutions somehow seem attainable if you just get up early, stay up late, try hard enough, and find the right source or method, things on the outside sometimes seem vast and impossible …"

Quick glance-poem

A quick glance, that's all it took, to get my heart knocking against my rib cage like a wild animal willing to be set free. 
A quick glance, that's all it took, to make my skin turn pale and my eyes to spread over my face growing bigger and bigger at every blink. 
A quick glance, that's all it took, to make my knees turn to rubber with hands clenching onto nothing but air,
 a quick glance, that's all it took, to make me realise I loved you.

Monday 17 September 2012

Redie Ware hood-part 1

Part 1

My name is Redie, my other name is Hood. This is my story. My fatal night in the woods.

They found me in the woods. No more than 12 hours old apparently. My Adopted mum called me her Angel baby, sent down from heaven so she said, even if I were. I'm back up there now. 

I was found by some dog walker, I think. When she found me I still had the ambillicel cord attached to me. The doctors reckoned whoever had given birth to me had had me in the woods. Not to far away from my grandmothers house actually. Supprised she didn't hear the lady giving birth to me. I know they scream a lot as me and my mum watched a programme once where a lady who had been in a car crash started to give birth to her child. She had been driving down the motorway when a motorbike over took her which made her swerve, she crashed into another car sending it flying across the road, then her waters broke and the paramedics had to deliver her baby in the back of the ambulance! Not a pretty scene. Although, going back to my grandmother not hearing my real mum giving birth to me must of been like not hearing a police siren more than 4 meters away from you! Godness she was deaf! She always had been really though, ever science grandad passed away. She would always take funny turns. Mum would sometimes send me up to her house five times a day just to check on her. Grandma lived a 20 minute walk down the bottom of the lane, her house was beautiful! A thatched roof cottage nestled in to great big spectacular trees huddled around it. Sometimes I went the short cut through the woods, though mum told me not to! she would always say "those woods are dangerous, something terrible cold happen to you and I wouldn't know! You musn't trail of the path Red!" I know, bizzaire name right? I mean, who calls they're kid Red, well...let me introduce you to my mum! Her hair is urban with spikes for eyelashes, her eyebrows are are hardly existent and her dress sense is horrendous! You could say what you liked about my mother but no one, could make so many people smile, with just one single word, just like my mum! My nan  would always say "gift of the gab that one dear!" I get what she means know. I know that if I had just  listened to the last sentence she said, none of this would of happened. None of it. And that's what kills more than death itself.

Germany view

Just to let u know, if u do read this, Im so happy as I've just had my first view from Germany :-D
Please please please if u do read this can u leave a comment and tell someone else about my blog. It will make my day.


number 1

"We play in the woods now. It's not better, it's not worse and we most definatley aren't free but we've escaped from the physical nightmares but trapped in the mental. Life is painful when your trapped in this vicious circle. Is there such a thing as eternal life after death? No. Because your not alive. The pain has still got a firm grip on our shoulders. But sometimes, when the light is on our faces, our dimples rise a little, clenching our cheeks, begging not to dissapear. But they do, they still will. Life will get better. If only it were life."

number 2

"I see a lady, she goes really crazy, when she catches sight of you or I,
her long nails, they're missing and her gums always bleed,
she's frozen in a wheelchair, fed by a lead,
but if you look really closely her pupils have deceased"
"That silly childhood rhyme, it finally has a meaning. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up. Staring at this concrete slab on the ground. I know I'm not imagining it. I know I'm about to break. I know my worlds stopped spinning.

What opening is better? Please let me know as its for a new story I'm writing.

Thursday 13 September 2012


just a quick note, i named myself 'Bambi Zola' because....
Bambi means; young girl-stating the obvious ;)
Zola's meaning is unknown...thats why i kinda incorrporated the 'zola' into the name as i'd like to stay unknown! hehe! xxx

About Bambi

okay, so for starters; im guessing that you've all guessed that my names not acctually Bambi, i guess it's something to do with writing 'fake' before 'bambi'? Who knows ;)
This blog is all about writing, i haven't quite decided what I'm going to write about just go with it!
I'm a teenage girl from england and i love nothing more than reading books and writing stories and songs, none of my friends know i'm writing this blog as i wouldn't want them to know it's me who is writing it, my friends aren't intrested in writing, some keep blogs but thats all about fashion and makeup, they think that keeping a blog on writing and me constantly reading and writing stories is sad and nurdy, so thats why i go under the name 'bambi zola' fyi!
I know i'll be lucky to get 3 views so I'm not going to bore you with a whole biography! ;) xxx